How the Safety & Wellness Benchmarks Help Providers Understand Needs and Measure Change

CARRE June 2024 Newsletter Article highlighting the impact and recent data results of the Safety & Wellness Benchmarks for Forcibly Displaced People in the U.S. The IRC’s Safety & Wellness Benchmarks for Forcibly Displaced People in the U.S. were created to ensure service providers have a standardized tool to assess the most common needs of forcibly displaced people and measure change over time. This article outlines how Benchmark results can be used for individual service planning and to help programs understand the overall impact they have had on the lives of clients. Additionally, results can be used in grant writing and development to highlight clients’ needs and advocate for resources. Using IRC’s recent Safety and Wellness programs Benchmarks data as an example, CARRE shows how organizations can use Benchmarks to make data-driven decisions to improve services.